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6 results for 'Trim'

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    Turning Trim Into Edibles

    Cannabis trim is a common term used to describe the excess parts a cultivator must trim, or remove from their plants post-harvest in order to fully maximize a plant’s bloom and, in turn, get m ...

    What are the Differences between CBD Trim and Shake?

    CBD “trim” or “shake” both refer to the small pieces of the hemp flower that fall off the main bud. This is inevitable, as hemp flowers are trimmed, handled, and transported. While ...

    A Guide To Curing And Drying

    As many of you know, curing and drying are processes that can significantly impact the taste and general quality of your cannabis crop. Properly drying and curing your fresh cannabis stash is paramo ...

    How to Make Cannabutter with CBD Flower: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Ready to get creative in the kitchen? Why not try making your own cannabutter with CBD flower? Cannabutter is cannabis-infused butter. It can be used for both medicinal and recreational purposes, ma ...