How to Grow Hemp

August 2, 2021

How to Grow Hemp

With the US legalizing the hemp plant back in 2018, more and more people are becoming interested in growing hemp for themselves. But, to do this, you have to be aware of how to grow hemp, the steps to follow, and everything to look out for. If you’ve never grown hemp before — or any type of plant — that’s okay! Black Tie CBD is here to help.

Down below, we’re covering the ins and outs of growing hemp through detailed step-by-step processes. So, from seed to soil to cultivation, let’s get into the nitty-gritties on how to grow hemp yourself.

Growing Hemp Step by Step

Before you start hemp growing, you need to know how to grow hemp and what you’ll need. First, make sure you have ample space and an appropriate room or grow facility for your hemp plants to thrive in. If you do not have adequate space, there’s a lesser chance your plants will succeed the way you want them to.

Of course, you need appropriate materials, too. Along with actual hemp seeds, it’s important to have soil, nutrients, pots, and lighting systems set up already. Things like thermometers and hygrometers are also crucial during hemp cultivation, as these tools will let you know if your grow space is too hot, too cold, too moist, or not dry enough.

You must remember that hemp growing isn’t as straightforward as growing some English Ivy — but it doesn’t have to be too complicated, either. As long as you take the time to ensure that you have proper materials, growing space, and a bit of dedication, you should be just fine to start growing hemp on your own. So, let’s get right into the step of how to grow hemp legally, right in your home!

Step 1: Find the Right Seeds

First thing’s first in your journey of growing hemp: you have to find the right seeds. Finding hemp seeds, in general, isn’t a difficult task; however, it’s searching for the right ones for you that can get a bit tricky. When purchasing your hemp seeds, you want to make sure they come from a reputable dealer only. A lot of companies can get away with selling low-quality seeds — especially for cheap — to those who may not know any better. Thus, taking the time to research a hemp brand may be the difference between a successful harvest and a failure.

You also want to ensure your hemp seeds have good genetics. If you come across some strain of hemp that you’ve never heard of or seen before, chances are, they don’t have the powerful genetics you want. Some brands have been breeding their hemp strains for years and years, creating some of the powerhouse strains we know and love today. These are strains that aren’t going to buckle with some harsh weather and strange environments. Typically, hemp plants are quite resilient and can make it through most conditions; so, if you find your seeds are struggling in even the most temperate climates, you likely didn’t pick out the best seeds possible. But that’s okay! We all learn and grow — and so does our hemp!

Step 2: Germinate Seeds

Once you’ve finally found the seeds of your dreams, it’s time to actually start planting them. Most hemp cultivators suggest planting your seeds sometime in the spring, as this allows your plants to be ready for harvesting before the end of the year. Prior to planting, however, you want to start by pre-soaking your hemp seeds. Pre-soaking your hemp seeds preps the seeds for germination, putting them in perfect condition to begin sprouting their roots. Try doing this for about 8 to 12 hours, if possible.

After this, you’ll take your hemp seeds and place them about one inch into nourishing soil. To help regulate humidity, utilizing a humidity dome can do wonders. When researching how to grow hemp, you’ll likely come across quite a few high-quality humidity domes to choose from.

At this point, it’s all about keeping an eye on your hemp seeds. You want to closely monitor temperature and humidity levels to ensure that the roots stay happy and healthy. Typically, strive to keep your seeds around 70 degrees, ranging from 68-75 degrees Fahrenheit proving appropriate. In terms of humidity for growing hemp, levels should stick between 65-70%. More or less humidity may severely impact the result of your hemp cultivation.

During this time, you’ll want to expose your plants to light for about 18 hours a day. Some growers choose to keep their lights on 24 hours, but this doesn’t give the seeds a chance to rest and recuperate. However, the choice is ultimately yours!

Step 3: Transporting Your Hemp Seeds

When you begin to notice that your seeds have rooted, it’s time to transplant them. Your hemp plants cannot grow without ample space for their roots to spread, which is why transporting them at this stage is so crucial. You want to give them a container that’s at least six inches deep.

Eventually, your seeds will grow out of these shallow containers, as well. Once again, the roots will reach the bottom of the container, letting you know that they need more space and it’s time to transplant. This should be the last transplantation you have to make for your hemp plants, so make sure they’re in suitable locations. Some growers cultivate their hemp in fabric grow bags as opposed to potted places because of efficacy. But, again, how to grow hemp depends entirely on your personal preferences. If you want to grow your hemp in fabric grow bags, so be it!

Step 4: Care Through the Vegetative Stage

After you’ve transported your hemp plants to their final location, it’s time to care for the hemp during their vegetative stage. The vegetative state is when your hemp plant is going to grow the most. Here, you’re really just letting the plant flourish, keeping a close eye on its health and progress.

You won’t see any flower growth during this stage, but you’ll notice a profound change in stems and leaves. Make sure to keep the temperature of your grow room around 70-80 degrees — a bit hotter than what you did with germination or in the seedling stage. Humidity levels will vary quite a bit, though. Some growers find that about 30% humidity is ideal, while others prefer their plants sitting closer to 70%. It just depends!

The photoperiod doesn’t differ too much from earlier stages, though. During vegetation, you’ll want to keep the lights on for between 18 to 24 hours a day; but make sure you closely monitor your plants and make sure they’re not getting too much light exposure. Excess lights can burn your plants, throwing off their cannabinoid levels and potency. Terpene degradation happens quite easily with extreme temperatures, so pay attention to your hemp’s appearance and smell.

If you need to check on your plants’ progress during this time, the best way to do so is in the dark using green light. Green lights won’t wake up your hemp plants and disturb their sleep cycles, but you’ll still be able to monitor them for their health closely. We know: when you’re learning how to grow hemp legally, there’s a lot to keep in mind! But, don’t worry! There are only a few steps left before you can cultivate.

Step 5: Letting Your Hemp Plants Flower

After about a month or two, it’ll likely be time for your hemp plants to move into the flowering stage. As the name suggests, the flowering stage is when your plant gets the flowers you know and love — and the ones you can highly utilize for their potency.

During this time, you’ll want to keep your plants at a slightly cooler temperature than during the vegetative stage. Usually, around 68 - 75 degrees is ideal. You’ll want to monitor them in terms of humidity levels and keep them hovering around 50%. This amount of moisture is perfect for the plants during this last time of growth.

The way your hemp knows to start flowering is when you change the photoperiod. Once you switch light exposure from 18 - 24 hours a day to 12 on and 12 off, your hemp will know it’s time to start flowering. Make sure not to overwater your plants during this stage, or they will struggle to produce the benefits you want. Again, keep a close eye on your plants during the flowering stage to ensure your hemp growing is as effective as possible.

Step 6: Now, It’s Time for Cultivation

By now, it’s probably September or October, and you’re ready to cultivate the hemp you’ve spent so long growing. Growing hemp for CBD may take some time, but the plant requires this to produce the best result possible!

After about 100 days or so, farmers say that hemp plants have fully matured. During this time, you’ll see seed heads making their way to the surface of your plant, letting you know it’s just about time to start harvesting.

If you have a large number of hemp plants, you’re going to need the proper equipment. Take the time to research what kind of hemp processing machinery is best for your farming practices, and then go from there. This helps to reassure that what you’re using is ideal for the type of farming you do, your grow location, and so forth.

In the event that you just have one or two plants to cultivate, you can do this on your own with proper trimming shears and a little bit of patience. Just make sure your plants are fully matured and ready for harvesting before doing so. Keep in mind that doing it this way does require much more time and care than when done with a machine, but it also allows a more precise pruning and cultivation — especially if you’re growing hemp for CBD.

How to Grow Hemp and Everything Else You Need to Know About Cultivation

We know, we know: that’s a lot of information about how to grow hemp. But, as a plant that takes several months to mature and perfect, Black Tie wants to make sure we provide you with all the information you need to have a profitable, successful hemp harvest. So, even if you have a few questions about hemp, CBD, or cultivation in general, that’s okay! Black Tie CBD is here to be your go-to hemp expert.

If you’ve never known how to grow hemp before, don’t get discouraged if your cultivation doesn’t go quite as you were hoping. Sometimes, it does take a little bit of trial and error to perfect your cultivation processes. But, over time, you’ll start to get the hang of this complex plant, growing it with ease and confidence.

Just make sure you do sufficient research about the climate in your area, grow lighting setups, what kind of soil is best for your plants, and so forth. Doing this will help you fully understand what to expect when you learn how to grow hemp legally. 

Enjoying Hemp With Black Tie CBD

Here at Black Tie CBD, we specialize in producing high-quality, high-resin hemp products that you’ll absolutely love. Whether you want to enjoy CBD products or learn how to grow hemp, Black Tie is here to help with whatever you may need. We understand that the hemp plant is a bit complicated, and there may be a lot to know about hemp growing, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth learning! As a plant that’s so beneficial to both humans and the planet, learning the ins and outs of how to grow hemp can do wonders for your farming experience.

So, what’re you waiting for? You now have all the steps you need to know how to grow hemp! It’s time to grab your supplies, find your ideal seeds, and get to farming. Good luck! 


How to Grow Hemp?

First, make sure you have ample space and an appropriate room or grow facility for your hemp plants to thrive in. The most important steps include finding quality seeds from a reputable dealer with solid genetics. Just make sure you do sufficient research about the climate in your area, grow lighting setups, what kind of soil is best for your plants, and so forth. Doing this will help you fully understand what to expect when you learn how to grow hemp legally. As long as you take the time to ensure that you have proper materials, growing space, and a bit of dedication, you should be just fine to start growing hemp on your own.

How to Grow Hemp Legally?

Hemp laws in the United States are complex. Although recent laws have made hemp legal on a federal level, each state has its own laws on growing hemp. In order to grow commercial hemp, you’d need a license provided by your state. 

How to Get a Hemp Growing License?

To get a hemp growing license, you’ll need to apply to your state’s hemp production program or an industrial hemp program. The best way to apply for a hemp growing license is through the USDA Domestic Hemp Production Program website. Read more about the US hemp growing laws here.

How Much Money Can You Make Growing Hemp?

Growing hemp can be lucrative. You can make anywhere between $25,000 and $105,000 per acre before deducting costs, according to ProAg. The profit you make depends on the type of hemp you’re growing, what it’s being grown for, and who you’re selling it to.