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Dominant Terpenes In Cannabis

As you may have learned from our last blog, terpenes are the most overlooked yet arguably the most important aspect of cannabis. They’re a little bit like cannabinoids—THC, CBD, and others—in that they have specific and medically useful interactions with our bodies.

If you aren’t familiar with terpenes; unlike cannabinoids, terpenes are found in many plants; they’re the chemicals that give a plant its aroma and flavor. Different levels of terpenes in different strains of cannabis give it a more earthy, fruity, or skunky smell and taste. In addition to stimulating our senses, many of these terpenes have medicinal effects.

In the last several years, scientists started to speculate about the synergic and/or entourage effects of the other cannabis compounds. Today, in the first row are terpenes/terpenoids, but we’re also focused on talking about flavonoids, flavonoid glycosides, and polyphenols. There are 120 terpenes found in cannabis, but for the sake of time, this article will focus on the 5 most dominant terpenes found in cannabis.

So, what are the top 5 terpenes?

  • Myrcene
  • One of the most common terpenes found in cannabis is myrcene (also known as alpha-myrcene or beta-myrcene). β-Myrcene is the most common and a particularly potent terpene and is a component of the hydrocarbon fraction of many essential oils. It occurs naturally in over 200 plants and is present in the emissions of many trees in different parts of the world. Exposure to β-myrcene from natural food sources is estimated to be 16,500 times more than from its synthetic use as a flavor substance.

    On average, myrcene represents over 20% of the terpene profile in modern commercial strains, although individual samples vary widely in their terpene content.

    Scents and Aromas

    Myrcene has a spicy, earthy, musky scent that gives cannabis strains a mildly sweet flavor profile. β-Myrcene is a pleasant-smelling, olefinic, acyclic unsubstituted monoterpene that occurs naturally in many plant species, especially in the essential oils of plants such as hops, cannabis, lemongrass, verbena, and bay, as well as in citrus fruits and citrus juices.

    Effects of Myrcene

    Antioxidant Activity:

    In recent decades, there has been growing interest in the use of naturally occurring antioxidants in food preservation. Antioxidant agents are accountable for preventing aging and degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and neurological illnesses. They also have an important role in inhibiting lipid oxidation within food products.

    Anti-inflammatory Activity:

    Myrcene has shown anti-inflammatory and anticatabolic effects on human chondrocytes. Cartilage degradation and osteoarthritis progression was slowed down. The anti-inflammatory activity of β-myrcene may not only be credited to its antioxidant potential, but also with its interaction with signal pathway cascades involving cytokines and transcription factors.

    Central Nervous System Effects and Neurobehavioral Activity:

    In a study, Myrcene in cannabis demonstrated measurable effects on the autonomic nervous system in healthy human subjects. Inhalation of cannabis essential oil for 5 min improved nerve activity and was shown to relieve stress and anxiety, and the subjects generally felt more relaxed, energetic, calm, and elevated mood, five min post inhalation.

    Black Tie Hemp Strains high in Myrcene:

    Strain names commonly classified as indica, sativa, or hybrid can be found with high levels of myrcene, including popular sativa-dominant hybrids like Sour Space Candy and Blue Dream.

  • B-Farnesene
  • Farnesene, also known as Trans-β-farnesene, is a sesquiterpene considered soothing for the mood with calming and sedative effects.  Farnesene is an umbrella term for six different sesquiterpenes which are all chemically similar. There are two types of farnesene: alpha (a) and beta (b), both of which are naturally-occurring in a variety of different plants.

    Farnesene is an analog of farnesol and is found in various natural sources, including hops, ginger, turmeric, ylang-ylang, and German chamomile. Another intriguing effect of farnesene is that it acts in many plants as a natural insect repellent, functioning as a pheromone that interacts with various insects. Some studies have demonstrated that aphids release farnesene before the danger of death or when dying to warn their companions of the near threat.

    Scents and Aromas

    The terpene offers a number of notes, including sweet, woody, berry, fruity, and reminiscent of apples. In fact, that is what the smell reminds of - green apple. Whenever you feel these tones when smoking your fine cannabis, that would be Farnesene.

    Effects of Farnesene

    Antimicrobial Properties

    In some studies, farnesene, in conjunction with other terpenes, has shown antimicrobial activity against some serious types of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus subtilis. Even though the research is limited in this area, using the terpene for this advantage in the human body is no doubt fascinating.

    Anti-Cariogenic Properties

    Certain types of bacteria in the mouth are directly responsible for causing the tooth enamel to break down and deteriorate. Because of the antimicrobial farnesene effects, terpene may help fight tooth decay. The terpene may be active against Lactobacillus acidophilus, one of the common culprits behind tooth decay.

    Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Farnesene has been shown to have prominent anti-inflammatory properties. So much so, that the terpene has been used in the past in place of things like ibuprofen to ease everyday discomforts. The anti-inflammatory actions of the terpene may also be important for future studies in its ability to act against allergic responses.

    Black Tie Hemp Strains high in Farnesene:

  • B-Caryophyllene
  • If you’re a grower who appreciates cannabis with a great terpene profile, you may well have heard of beta-Caryophyllene. It is also known as ‘b caryophyllene’, β-caryophyllene or simply caryophyllene. Ever wondered what the difference is between beta caryophyllene and caryophyllene? There is no difference, they are just different names for the same terpene. It was one of the first cannabis-derived compounds other than THC, CBD, and CBN shown to bind directly to endocannabinoid receptors.

    It was one of the first cannabis-derived compounds with a fundamentally different structure from the classical cannabinoids that interacts with the endocannabinoid system in humans. In many ways, beta-caryophyllene is an important reminder that terpenes and cannabinoids are not separate and that the two work in conjunction with one another.

    Scents and Aromas

    β-Caryophyllene is the primary sesquiterpene contributing to the spiciness of black pepper; it is also a major constituent of cloves, hops, rosemary, copaiba, and cannabis. It’s responsible for the slight bite of pungency associated with smelling cracked pepper.

    Effects of Caryophyllene


    In combination with other terpenes, caryophyllene has shown promise as a sedative. A 2012 study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology found that mice treated with essential oil containing caryophyllene experienced increased sleep time as well as decreased locomotion and body temperature.

    Beta-Caryophyllene Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Beta-caryophyllene can reduce inflammation in the brain and chemicals that cause oxidative stress associated with inflammation. These properties can aid the brain from swelling during a stroke and improve its outcomes. Besides, it has been shown to reduce gut inflammation.

    Beta-Caryophyllene Antibacterial & Antimicrobial Properties

    Studies suggest that beta-caryophyllene helps fight bacterial dental plaque build-up and is a potential alternative to prescribed medications like chlorhexidine. Also, it reduces microorganisms like Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae, and E. coli.

    Black Tie Hemp Strains high in B-Caryophyllene

  • Guaiol
  • This sesquiterpenoid differs from other terpenes because of its unique structure. Guaiol, sometimes referred to as “champacol,” is most abundantly found in oily timber and resin of the tropical guaiacum plant. Moreover, the cypress tree is also known to be rich in this sesquiterpenoid and other conifers. Guaiol differs from many other terpenes—which are oil-based—because of its unique structure as a liquid.

    It is a terpene that conveys an aroma of pine that features fragrant undertones of wood and rose. Like other terpenes, this medicinal molecule is produced by many plants other than cannabis, including cypress pine and guaiacum (an evergreen tree of the Caribbean and tropical America).

    Scents and Aromas

    Guaiol is responsible for the scents of many plants like nutmeg, tea tree, conifers, apples, cumin, and lilacs. It presents a refreshing piney and woody aroma with some undertones of rose in it. For this reason, guaiol is added to a large variety of foods and household items as an aromatic agent.

    Effects of Guaiol

    Antibacterial Activity:

    A 2017 study entitled “The Essential Oil from the Fruits of the Brazilian Spice Xylopia Sericea A. St.-Hil. Presents Expressive In-vitro Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity” and published in The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology found guaiol to be effective in treating bacterial infections. The research revealed that this terpene may be useful as an antimicrobial ingredient in food preservation.

    Cancer Potential:

    A 2016 study entitled “Guaiol Regulates RAD51 Stability via Autophagy to Induce Cell Apoptosis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer” that was published in the journal Oncotarget found that guaiol is an effective agent against cancer cells, resulting in their apoptosis, which is a form of genetically pre-programmed cellular death in which cancer cells basically kill themselves off.

    Black Tie Hemp Strains high in Guaiol:

  • Terpinolene
  • Terpinolene is one of the many terpenes in the terpinene and pinene family. While they all share the same molecular formula, weight, and construction,  the placement of the double carbon bond differentiates them. This defines their unique synergistic qualities for therapeutic benefits when combined with CBD products.

    Besides showing up in many cannabis varieties, terpinolene is also found in turnips and turpentine. For a long while, research scientists believed terpinolene to act as a sedative. This was due to experiments that determined mice inoculated with terpinolene showed a great reduction in muscle motility contributing to sedation.

    Terpinolene by any other name is still terpinolene. Because of its wide use, terpinolene is called by many names depending on the industry and application. Below are a few other names used for terpinolene which you may have encountered in many household products:

    • δ-Terpinene (delta-Terpinene)
    • 586-62-9 [RN]
    • (±)-α-Terpinyl acetate

    Scents and Aromas

    Terpinolene, though, carries an array of smells you might find in cannabis: It’s piney, floral, herbaceous, and even a little citrusy. Like most other terpenes, terpinolene is produced by various other plant species, including apple, conifer, cumin, lilac, mint, nutmeg, parsnip, and tea tree.

    Their extractions from plants are the most important components of the essential oils used in herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, and cosmetics. Terpinolene is used as an aroma agent in soaps and perfumes and as a component of some insect repellents.

    Effects of Terpinolene


    A 2013 study showed sedative effects after nasal absorption into the body(Shimoadachi-cho, 2013). Additionally, In a previous study, the Journal of Natural Medicines tested the sedative effects of terpinolene-dense essential oils on mice. After they isolated terpinolene as one of its active ingredients, they then attempted to determine the structural reason why this terpene has sedative effects. Their research found “Comparison of terpinolene analog activities showed that a double bond in the side-chain or pi bonds in the six-membered ring play important roles in the sedative effect.”

    Antimicrobial Activity

    One study of a terpinolene-dense plant native to Iran states; “The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was tested against three different bacteria by disc diffusion method and showed maximum inhibitory activity against Gram-positive bacteria, especially Bacillus subtilis.”

    Antioxidant Activity

    The International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology published a study where the preparation of LDL from human blood plasma enriched in terpinolene was isolated. The lipids of LDL were protected, and the proteins also didn’t experience oxidation, “This inhibition is due to a retarded oxidation of intrinsic carotenoids of LDL, and not, as in the case of some flavonoids, attributable to a protection of intrinsic alpha-tocopherol.”

    Black Tie Hemp Strains High In Terpinolene

    From the list of terpenes described, you should see the importance of terpenes in cannabis. They are not merely there for the scents and aromas, but they also have individual medicinal benefits worth considering. Cannabis is so much more than just a strain. Read more about how terpenes are gaining importance here.

    May 10, 2022
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    Can Cannabis Treat Covid-19?

    With Covid-19 impacting us for the last two years, the world is rapidly searching for ways that we can effectively manage the virus, despite the variants that constantly pop up. Finally, it seems that research is progressing and it’s the cannabis industry at the forefront of the latest research advancements by researchers affiliated with Oregon State University. These researchers conducted a study that suggests that cannabis compounds prevent Infection by the Covid-19 Virus.

    The COVID-19 pandemic includes at least 272 million cases worldwide, 5.3 million deaths, and over 600 000 new cases daily. While the rollout of vaccines is underway, the rapid spread of COVID-19 underscores the need for new treatments.

    Background Information:

    In January 2021, this study looked into the possibility that cannabis may offer some help for patients with COVID-19. The study looks at one of the primary biological events that occur in patients with severe acute respiratory distress cases from COVID-19, something called a “cytokine storm.”

    C.Sativa, a type of cannabis, was found in a cytokine storm study to reduce multiple cytokines and pathways related to inflammation and fibrosis. Two of the cytokines that C.Sativa reduced were TNFa and IL-6, which are thought to be the main targets when trying to block a COVID-19 cytokine storm and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

    In another study done in September of 2020 on mice, they found the following;

    “Several reports demonstrated that cannabidiol (CBD), a phytocannabinoid produced by the cannabis plant, can block IL-6 in several models of inflammatory diseases.”

    What do the studies say in 2022?

    A report on the research, “Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants,” was published online on January 10th, 2022 by the Journal of Natural Products.

    COVID-19 is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Researchers have found that the viral spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 to the human cell surface receptor angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) is a critical step during the infection of human cells. The researchers looked into the following possibility:

    “Therefore, cell entry inhibitors could be used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as to shorten the course of COVID-19 infections by preventing virus particles from infecting human cells.”

    Researchers discovered that cannabinoids increase the cell’s response to several key proteins produced by the coronavirus genome, which is an effect that had not been discovered prior to the study. Researchers also looked at how the proteins from the genome operated in human kidney cells and healthy control cells, both with and without cannabinoids.

    Cannabis and its effectiveness against new variants:

    The spike protein is the same part of the virus targeted by Covid-19 vaccines and antibody therapies. In addition to the spike protein, SARS-CoV-2 has three more structural proteins as well as 16 nonstructural proteins and several compounds van Breemen characterized as “accessory” proteins, all of which are potential targets for drugs developed to prevent Covid-19.

    The two compounds commonly found in hemp - called cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, or CBDA - were identified during a chemical screening effort as having potential to combat coronavirus. In the study led by Richard van Breemen, a researcher with Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Center, they found that cannabinoids bound to spike proteins found on the virus and blocked a step the pathogen uses to infect people, stating that;

    “Cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid prevented infection of human epithelial cells”


    This means that cell entry inhibitors, like the acids from hemp, could be used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and also to shorten infections by preventing virus particles from infecting human cells. They bind to the spike proteins so those proteins can’t bind to the ACE2 enzyme, which is abundant on the outer membrane of endothelial cells in the lungs and other organs.

    The study then goes on to state that the most important piece of evidence found was that CBGA and CBDA were equally as effective against the alpha and beta variants. The abstract ends off on a highly positive note, expressing that cannabinoids do in fact have the potential to prevent and likely treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.

    What other benefits could cannabis pose for Covid-19?

  • Pain
    As we have discussed in previous articles, cannabis offers potential benefits for things like pain, anxiety, and other ailments. With symptoms of COVID-19, including body aches, sore throat, and headaches, pain relief would be welcome by many patients.

    As it currently stands, Medicinal cannabis registries typically report pain as the most common reason for use. In this study, the conclusion came to the fact that looked at multiple ailments being treated with cannabis, going on to state the following:

    “Headache was then evaluated as a primary symptom being treated by medicinal cannabis “
    1. Anxiety
      The number of people reporting high levels of anxiety has sharply elevated during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The factors most strongly associated with high anxiety during the pandemic include loneliness, marital status, sex, disability, whether someone feels safe at home or not and work being affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

      There is understandable concern about the impact of the pandemic on people’s well-being. Fortunately, though, compounds within cannabis have shown impressive anxiety-reducing qualities, particularly CBD, which has been shown in studies to increase serotonin activity and lower cortisol levels.

    Is Cannabis safe to consume for Covid-19 patients?

    While most people consume cannabis by smoking it, it is not the only way to consume it. Companies like ourselves offer multiple variations of consumption like edibles, tinctures and more that have very low THC, yet still offer the same benefits.

    After the last two years of uncertainty, illness and chaos due to the pandemic, it’s relieving to see that cannabis has shown a lot of potential in fighting against COVID-19 and could potentially offer new solutions to tackle the pandemic.

    Where can you get CBDA and CBGA products from?

    The team here at Black Tie CBD is relieved and grateful that we’re a part of an industry that is helping to better global health in such an impactful way. As a company, we've seen the value in CBDA products and we've just released our brand new CBDA isolate so you can keep safe too.

    January 18, 2022
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